March 2, 2016

PoPsiCleS.. AND PupPieS..

It was so nice and warm today.. We HAD to eat popsicles..
we thought it would be fun to see what the pups thought of the great outdoors!
RC's Selfie.. She is gorgeous!!
Optimus & Bee smooching..
They are sure snuggly at this age. They LOVE giving kisses..
as much as we LOVE getting them!
RC & Rythym
Ratchet.. or Hooey..
 They didn't seem to mind the grass.
However.. the kids wouldn't let them down on it for very long!
We spend a lot of time with our puppies.
They are socialized and constantly introduced  to new things.
Daily stimulation is the key to raising a loving, intelligent puppy!
Hooey.. such a cutie..
The neighborhood kids don't seem to mind helping either!!
Flash & Bee
It is tough to get a picture of them all lined up in a row, facing the same direction..
Take #1
Take #2
 Take #3.. Oh well.. We tried right?
 Hopefully the weather will stay nice
and we can play outside daily!
It was fun.. but these babies are plum tuckered out!!