May 16, 2015

a BREAK from the RAIN..

These babies are THREE weeks old now! The weather has been so muddy and messy they have not had a lot of outdoor play time. But we did have a brief break from the pouring rain today so we took the opportunity to snap some new pictures!
All of the puppies are doing really well! Their mama is taking really good care of them. They are still a little wobbly but are getting around and are quite the explorers. We noticed that their teeth are starting to come in! We will be starting them on soft food next week.. THAT is always fun..
The time is flying by.. It is so fun to watch them grow.. Their personalities are just starting to show.. This is when it gets FUN!!
(sold, Thank you Court & Family!!)
Flowers personality is pretty easy going so far.
She doesn't seem to mind being away from her litter mates.  
 She likes being snuggled in our laps.. and she loves attention.
Flower has a uniquely marked collar. She kind of has a zig zag..
We thought if we were to keep her we would name her Zip..
Like a zipper.. zig, zags.. But Border Collies are Zippy..
 Flower inherited  the 'smart dot' from her Champion Borderfame ancestors..
She has the cutest hourglass mask too.. Love this girl!!
Liberty is the mellowest and smallest of the bunch so far. really easy going.
She is still a border collie.. so mellow is a relative term..
 She is traditionally marked with a smaller blaze and muzzle.
Her rough coat is coming in with a wave to it. Such a pretty puff ball!
Her collar, also traditional, just wraps around the top of her shoulder.
I LOVE her sweet little petite face.. Such a cute girl..
(sold to Laura)
Aspen is a mamas girl..
 she doesn't like to be away from her litter mates..
But she is ok if your snuggling her..
 She is traditionally marked, with the 'smart dot'.
And a darling hourglass blaze.
 This girls is a puff ball..
Her rough is coming in so soft and fluffy!
Aspen is a sweetheart.. I adore her little face!!
(sold to Steve)
This cutie pants is an explorer. He follows his mom wherever he can and is very curious.
He doesn't like being alone.. But no three week old puppy does..
He is uniquely marked with  darling black ears and a black eye.
 Cruzer is a fun little guy.
His personality is really starting to show!
He loves any attention and loves to snuggle..  
Taking Pictures Is EXHAUSTING!!
If you are interested in reserving a puppy from this litter or a future litter, please feel free to call or email me anytime!! Although I do not collect deposits up front for the wait list..
I will let you know when new puppies are born.
Thanks for looking :)